浦森进出口有限公司是一家专业从事汽车雨刮器的生产销售的企业。 在满足客户的要求,满足更多客户的需求中成就我们的未来! 我公司积累多年的汽车雨刮器生产经验,以良好的产品,实惠的价格为经销商提供优质的服务。“质量、卓越、诚信”是我们的服务宗旨,我公司技术力量雄厚,管量完善,严格把关,质优价廉。 欢迎广大的客户来电来函垂询, 我们将竭诚为您提供专业、优质的服务! senpu import and export Co Ltd is a professional car wiper manufacturer. In the future development, we try our best to meet the customer’s reasonable requests. Our company has accumulated many years of car wiper product’s experience with good products to provide vehicle owners with high quality services and affordable prices. are quality, excellence, and integrity are our company’s service tenets. Our company has strong technical strength and perfect, strict, high quality at low prices. Welcome to contact us, we will be happy to provide you with professional and high quality service. [